PHP Frameworks

PHP Framework Advantages Disadvantages Official Website
Laravel - Elegant syntax and features like Eloquent ORM - Steeper learning curve for beginners
- Robust authentication and authorization - Heavier resource usage compared to some others
- Extensive documentation and community support - Frequent updates may require ongoing maintenance
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Symfony - Highly modular and scalable - Steeper learning curve
- Strong focus on reusable components - Can be resource-intensive for smaller projects
- Active community and long-term support - Requires understanding of Dependency Injection
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CodeIgniter - Lightweight and fast - Less built-in features compared to larger frameworks
- Simple configuration and minimal dependencies - Limited support for third-party libraries
- Easy to learn and suitable for small projects - May require more manual coding
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Yii 2 - High-performance and efficient - Not as popular as Laravel or Symfony
- Excellent security features - Smaller community and fewer third-party extensions
- Code generation tools for CRUD operations - Learning curve for beginners
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Zend Framework - Comprehensive and well-structured - Complex configuration and setup
- Strong focus on security and performance - Less suitable for small projects or rapid development
- Middleware support for extensibility - Heavier on system resources
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This updated table includes a division between each framework and includes the official website URLs for easy access to more information about each PHP framework.