Simple Mysql Tutorial

Here's a simple MySQL tutorial covering basic SQL operations, JOINs, conditions, and some common MySQL functions:

MySQL Basics

1. Connecting to MySQL

Before running MySQL queries, you need to connect to the MySQL server using a MySQL client or a programming language like PHP or Python. Here's a simple connection example using the command line:

mysql -u username -p

You'll be prompted to enter your password.

2. Creating a Database

To create a new database, you can use the CREATE DATABASE statement:


3. Using a Database

To work with a specific database, use the USE statement:

USE mydatabase;

Basic SQL Operations

4. SELECT Statement

The SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from a database table. Here's a basic example:

SELECT * FROM users;

5. INSERT Statement

The INSERT statement is used to add new records to a table:

INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES ('john_doe', '');

6. UPDATE Statement

The UPDATE statement is used to modify existing records:

UPDATE users SET email = '' WHERE username = 'john_doe';

7. DELETE Statement

The DELETE statement is used to remove records from a table:

DELETE FROM users WHERE username = 'john_doe';

SQL Joins


An INNER JOIN retrieves records that have matching values in both tables:

SELECT orders.order_id, customers.customer_name
FROM orders
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;


A LEFT JOIN retrieves all records from the left table and matched records from the right table:

SELECT customers.customer_name, orders.order_id
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id;


A RIGHT JOIN retrieves all records from the right table and matched records from the left table:

SELECT customers.customer_name, orders.order_id
FROM customers
RIGHT JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id;


A FULL OUTER JOIN retrieves all records when there is a match in either the left or right table:

SELECT customers.customer_name, orders.order_id
FROM customers
FULL OUTER JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id;

SQL Conditions

12. WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause is used to filter records based on a condition:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 25;

13. AND, OR, NOT

You can combine conditions using AND, OR, and NOT:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 25 AND city = 'New York';

MySQL Functions

14. COALESCE Function

The COALESCE function returns the first non-null value in a list:

SELECT COALESCE(NULL, 'default_value') AS result;

15. GROUP BY Clause

The GROUP BY clause is used to group rows that have the same values:

SELECT department, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department;

16. ORDER BY Clause

The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the result set:

SELECT * FROM products

Additional MySQL Functions

Here are some additional MySQL functions that may be useful: